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Safa-E: Integrating the Delhi Metro system and the E-rickshaw sector

Student Service Design Challenge 2022

Design a service that disrupts the current ownership economy and promotes a system of shared economy.


6 months

Team (5 members)

Gurkeerat Singh, Jahnavi Rajaram, Priyanshu Kumar,
Saatvik Agrawal, Yashashvi Bisht

Our idea

Safa-E is a service that aims to integrate the Delhi Metro and the E-Rickshaw sector to create a seamless eco-system with the inclusion of battery swapping to provide E-Rickshaw drivers with a better way to manage their finances and increase the adoption of E-Rickshaws.

The challenge was divided into four main phases over a period of 6 months.

Phase 1 - Identify and explore

Explored the current ownership-oriented economy and identified potential local opportunities. Understood collaborative economy and circular design. Identified the economical and cultural dependencies in local context. Wrote a detailed design proposal

Phase 3 - Frame and define

Identified the gaps, challenges and patterns in the existing situation and created themes. Speculated about desired futures by asking "how might we" questions. Rewrote the design proposal by creating a more focused challenged in the local context. 

Get access to the Service Blueprint and the Business model here - 

If you wish to know more about the challenge, click here.

Phase 2 - Empathize and discover

Discovered all the different stakeholders in the system. Understood their behaviours and emotions and dived deep into the lives of people involved as to how they may be influenced by environmental, social, economic, organisational and regulatory factors.

Phase 4 - Ideate and develop

Diverged and ideated as many ideas as possible. Used ideation cards to create a long list of ideas and narrowed down to a shorter list. Created scenarios and storyboards and finalised on a implementable solution with low costs and higher financial advantage for our key users.

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What's next?

Underwent an online 4 week workshop with Philips Experience Design team, Bangalore to understand and test out the solution on our users and reiterate on the problem to make it better, validate it and have the potential to introduce it in the market.

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